Digital Revolution Awards to Build a Boys School

From Objective Earth



IMG 0282 Large.jpg
OrganizationSt Martins School
Region Kenya
Website Website
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Thank you! This year's Digital Revolution Awards have already raised nearly EUR 5000 towards St Martins school in Kenya. With your help, we'd like to double it. That's why we've created a new fundraising drive to raise a further EUR 5000 during the event itself, which would take us to an incredible total of EUR 10,000. Tweet using #DigitalRevAwards will see the organisers donate EUR 5 each time the hashtag is used, but you can also contribute through this page, too.


We are looking to use the funds raised through the Digital Revolution Awards on an exciting new project. Currently, Boys graduating from St Martins Primary school lack an opportunity to attend high school afterwards as they don't have access to the fees needed and we have no space to help build for them here either. With your support the donations we receive will ensure that our boys and girls are given the same opportunities, meaning we are able to offer equality and quality in education.

Long-Term Impact

We hope to have students graduating year in, year out with skills that are relevant to the ever changing world, and also have students that are prepared and equipped to adjust and overcome any changes they may come across after graduating. With your help, we can give a generation of Kenyan children the skills and knowledge they need to survive and thrive despite the poor start they have had in their young lives.



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