Digital Education & Jobs for 100 youth in Mombasa.

From Objective Earth



IMG 1138 Large.JPG
OrganizationNairoBits Trust
Region Kenya
Website Website
Facebook Facebook
Twitter @Twitter
ProjectLeader Magdalene Wanjugu

The project intentionally seeks to extend access to digital literacy skills through bespoke training and skills content for 100 underserved youth, in Mombasa. The course will provide the necessary skills and certification for job placement and self-employment of previously unemployed and unskilled youth from underserved communities. Training will be implemented by Community Level Trainers', supported by digital content that is inclusive of financial literacy and key social life skills.


Systematic poverty affects 6,162,537 Kenyan youth, 96% of whom are unemployed and live in informal settlements, regardless of the National government's particular agenda for Youth employment. Affordability, accessibility to quality and inclusive education, cultural practices and gender inequality are some of the key issues facing many youths, in becoming self-reliant. With no skills, low qualifications, limited opportunities, high cost of living- under-privileged youth, have fewer options.

Long-Term Impact

The project will train and upskill 100 youth every quarter, over the next 5 years, connecting them to income generating opportunities and employment upon successful completion. The programme implementation also enhances the lives of locally recruited, trained and contracted Community Level Trainers. The focus of the project, intends to impact the lives of at least 1,200 youth annually, increasing self-reliance and systematically decreasing the percentage of unemployed and unskilled youth.



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