Covid-19 affects CM/feed babies & homeless teens

From Objective Earth



Byuka Bakobwa photo 1 Large.jpeg
OrganizationCentre Marembo organisation
Region Rwanda
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Nicolette Nsabimana

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected Centre Marembo (CM) and raised many problems mostly food insecurity and WASH related issues for homeless teen mothers and babies. Due to the lockdown we are experiencing, all our agriculture and livestock activities are no longer productive. This has affected our nutrition mechanism and we are aiming to reach out to 200 homeless teen mothers, their babies, pregnant teens and street girls.


During these hard times due to COVID-19, we are experiencing like never before an influx of homeless teen mothers and street children along with the reintegrated all knocking in seeking for help. The main concern is that they have weak immunity system and with our inability to provide necessary conditions for them such as nutritious food and WASH activities. we are in great danger while our means of production have significantly decreased.

Long-Term Impact

The project will be used to renovate agriculture and livestock activities so as to increase capacity building of the center and immunity system and nutrition status of our beneficiaries through the produced eggs and meat. It will also help to reinstate back teen mothers employed at our sewing workshop whose job lost during the lockdown and fighting against the spread of COVID-19 through the provision of WASH kits to be able to cope with preventive measures in place.



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