Chennai's Marina Beach Bears the Brunt of Rising Pollution Levels

From Objective Earth



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We all know for a fact that the world is speeding towards alarming pollution rates. Degrading natural bodies are proof! Chennai's Marina Beach which was once a sparkling attraction, is now blanketed with toxic white foam puffs.

It is a recent occurring that has been witnessed by the beach. Accompanied by heavy rainfall, the pollutant is most likely a result of laundry detergent and other waste. We can't help but mourn over the appalling signals of contamination.

What's amusing is that despite the frightening toxic foam which is harmful, some daunting individuals are revelling in the waterbody, also making it a backdrop for their pictures. Even after several warnings about the aftereffects of the foam which could cause skin damage, people are rejoicing at the beach water.

A spokesperson from the local Pollution Control Board has revealed "It has mixed with the stagnant sewage which contains a high level of phosphate (a chemical derivative of phosphoric acid)", further adding that the excessive water along with untreated sewage has entered the sea and due to the severe turbulence, the coastline is engulfed in foam. "We have collected the samples and analysing them.”

The foam was expected to vanish within a day or two as reported by the local officials; however, Monday, 2nd December was the fourth consecutive day to witness the toxic foam on the waters.

Although it is not a first of its sort that Marina Beach is witnessing, the sewage treatment plan is directed for a certain amount of water. In the course of monsoon, an excessive amount of water can cause storage facilities to overflow. The problems don't end here. The toxic foam and frothing have continually killed tons of fish in the basin, which is a fatal attack to marine life.


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