Build a Rescue Center for GBV survivors in Kenya

From Objective Earth



IMG20210308WA0008 Large.jpg
OrganizationWoman's Hope
Region Kenya
Website Website
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ProjectLeader consolata waithaka

We run a safe house where we house women who are survivors of GBV and their children. We take them through counselling and the healing process. During their stay, we offer them vocational skills they can use to support themselves once they leave the shelter. Our current shelter is rented, hence expensive to maintain. The new safe house is meant to ensure funds are maximized in assisting the women. We plan to have a vocational unit that additional serves other women from vulnerable backgrounds.


Our current safe house incurs a lot of expenses, with rent only amounting to 4,000 USD each month. This means that most funds meant to assist the survivors is majorly spent on expenses. We have insufficient classroom space for the vocational training, only allowing us to take up 25 students at a time. This also means that we can only conduct training for a single skill type at a time. We are also limited in amenities like land for those who would opt to learn agricultural skills.

Long-Term Impact

Our aim is to empower women and fight GBV. We want to ensure that survivors who go through our safe house are not forced to return to the same cycle of abuse, just because they lack means to support themselves and their children. Additionally, we would like to give hope to women from poor backgrounds by giving them a chance to uplift themselves from poverty. By empowering women to be self reliant, we ensure that most women don't stay in abusive situations for a lack of option.



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