Build a Classroom with Us

From Objective Earth



Honorable Jane Kihara laying a brick Grid7 Large.jpeg
OrganizationVillage Impact
Region Kenya
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Sylvia Brade

Girls' education is not just about getting girls into school-it's about equipping girls with the life skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to make informed decisions about their lives and future. By constructing and resourcing one of the 12 needed classrooms at Village Impact's new all-girls school, you'll help 600 vulnerable girls in Kenya to complete high school and gain the skills and confidence they need to realize their full potential.


In Mai Mahiu town in Kenya, there are over 2,700 students attending primary school. There is no high school in the community. This leaves girls especially vulnerable to early marriage, teen pregnancy, and exploitation in all its forms. As a result, many girls here drop out of school permanently after grade 6. Your donation today will directly fund the construction and resourcing of ONE of these needed classrooms which helps us leap towards our goal of opening the school in January 2022!

Long-Term Impact

When girls are educated, they develop the knowledge, confidence and life skills necessary to navigate and adapt to our ever-changing world. They earn higher income, become active participants in the decisions that most affect them, and build better futures for themselves and their families. It helps break intergenerational cycles of poverty and disadvantage, giving all people-including boys and men-opportunities to fulfill their full potential.



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[[Category:Education Projects]], [[Category:Lack of adequate classroom space Projects]]

[[Category:Education Projects in Kenya]], [[Category:Lack of adequate classroom space Projects in Kenya]]