A Training Center to Support 400 Women Every Year

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationAssociation For Women's Awareness and Rural Development
Region Pakistan
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Azeem Christopher

In the city of Faisalabad,Pakistan in the dominant cultural pressures, women get little opportunities to participate in the economic activities in the rural/semi urban areas.They are confined to perform traditional gender specific roles.The project defines construction of a multi story training center which will be able to train 400 poor and marginalized women and girls in one year in multiple trainings,helping them to uplift socially and economically and get a respectable place in the society


In the semi urban area of Warispura, Faisalabad.The majority among the un-educated and un-skilled women and young girls are associated with domestic and household work.Their income is limited (PKR 1500-2000 a month).Lack of proper training in any discipline is a factor which keeps them apart from earning a respectable place in the society.They are more vulnerable to poverty,large family sizes, poor health,low social status, less or no education,violence and sexual exploitation.

Long-Term Impact

1)400 Unskilled and Educated Women from extreme poor background will be able to become a permanent support for their families by attaining skills every year.2)The status of poor women of the society will be uplifted socially an economically.3)Knowledge of women about income generating skills will be improved.4)Increased sensitization among the male community will help break the stereotype approach for not involving women in the decision making process at all. 5)Gender Equality will be promoted.


  1. http://www.awardpakistan.org/
  2. http://www.awardpakistan.org/
  3. https://www.facebook.com/AWARDpakistan/
  4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsxyWP9bh2VpwjU-RbRaQnQ

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[[Category:Gender Equality Projects]], [[Category:Lack of training opportunities for women Projects]]

[[Category:Gender Equality Projects in Pakistan]], [[Category:Lack of training opportunities for women Projects in Pakistan]]