160 Sessions of Free Mental Health Support

From Objective Earth



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OrganizationFondacija Krila Nade/Foundation Wings of Hope
Region Bosnia and Herzegovina
Website Website
Facebook Facebook
Twitter N/A
ProjectLeader WoH Volunteer

This project will provide free mental health support for marginalized and vulnerable individuals from throughout Europe whose human rights have been violated. Victims of domestic violence, war traumatized individuals, and children from families with low income, suffering from mental health issues and disorders, are provided with counseling, psychotherapy or psychological and psycho-social support free of charge.


It is estimated that around 1/3 of people in Bosnia&Herzegovina have mental health issues. Anxiety disorders and depressive disorders are most common for adults and adjustment problems, externalizing disorders and trauma were the most common health issues among children. The health-care services and health insurance coverage is unequal and lately the health system is under drastic savings measures. Because of this mental health centers in Sarajevo are overwhelmed and free services inaccessible.

Long-Term Impact

The project will provide 160 sessions of counseling, psychotherapy or psychological and psycho-social support free of charge for marginalized individuals (children and adults) suffering from various mental health issues, problems and disorders. A big part of this process is personal empowerment by accomplishing individual goals set at the beginning of the therapy, combined with accompanying behavioral changes, improved learning abilities and more connections with friends and family.


  1. http://www.wings-of-hope.ba
  2. https://www.klix.ba/lifestyle/fondacija-krila-nade-nudi-besplatne-usluge-u-oblasti-mentalnog-zdravlja-i-obrazovanja/151208010
  3. http://zdraviportal.ba/fondacija-krila-nade-cilj-je-prevencija-vrsnjackog-nasilja-u-osnovnim-skolama/
  4. http://www.mreza-mira.net/vijesti/aktivnosti-mreze/foundation-krila-nade-activities-human-rights-day/

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[[Category:Limited access to mental health support Projects]], [[Category:Physical Health in Bosnia and Herzegovina Projects]]

[[Category:Limited access to mental health support Projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina]], [[Category:Physical Health in Bosnia and Herzegovina Projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina]]