Helping Afghan Children Go to School in Pakistan

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OrganizationRelief International
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Pakistan currently hosts approximately 3,000,000 Afghan refugees. 37% of the total Afghan population living in Pakistan are school-age children between the ages of 5 and 16. Only 20% of these children are enrolled in school. Relief International is working to change this by collaborating with Afghan communities in Pakistan to improve girls' and boys' access to education.


Rates of school enrollment for Afghan children in Pakistan are incredibly low. Cultural barriers, low parent awareness, and severe poverty, coupled with poor school infrastructure and a lack of resources frequently result in Afghan children missing out on the chance of going to school.

Long-Term Impact

The education and teaching these children receive will help them grow and secure brighter futures for themselves and their families. With it they can fundamentally transform their lives, using the skills and knowledge they learn in the classroom to go out and be the architects and guardians of their own, and their communities', futures.



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