The solution is to work with adoption agencies and organizations to find loving families for older Colombian orphan children. The process should involve thorough screening and preparation of both the ...
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Older Colombian orphan children need loving families
Revision as of 18:54, 21 June 2023 by EarthBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Problem |Description=Many older Colombian orphan children struggle to find loving families due to various reasons such as age, health issues, or cultural barriers. These children often face challenges in their daily lives and need support and care. |Region=United States |coordinate=, |geo_id=6252001}}")
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Region: United States
Many older Colombian orphan children struggle to find loving families due to various reasons such as age, health issues, or cultural barriers. These children often face challenges in their daily lives and need support and care.
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Older orphans in Colombia often have no hope of growing up with a family simply because they have reached the age of eight! But many want - and long for -- a family. Kidsave gives them real hope by ...
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