By promoting menstrual education and awareness, we can break down the taboos surrounding menstruation and provide individuals with the knowledge and resources they need to manage their menstrual healt...
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Menstruation taboos and lack of education
Revision as of 10:41, 21 June 2023 by EarthBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Problem |Description=In many cultures, menstruation is considered a taboo topic and is not openly discussed. This leads to a lack of education and understanding about menstruation, which can have negative impacts on the health and well-being of individuals who menstruate. |Region=India |coordinate=, |geo_id=1269750}}")
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Region: India
In many cultures, menstruation is considered a taboo topic and is not openly discussed. This leads to a lack of education and understanding about menstruation, which can have negative impacts on the health and well-being of individuals who menstruate.
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Harmful social norms, stigma, misconceptions and taboos surrounding menstruation marginalize women and girls. In India, menstruating women are often viewed as dirty, impure, sick and even cursed. In 2...
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