Educate a poor Jamaican child
{{Project |Description=Christel House provides impoverished children from some of the most challenged neighborhoods in Jamaica with life-changing, quality education, health care, nutritious meals, character/life skills development and continued guidance after graduation. Our goal is to help these children overcome the barriers of poverty and become self-sufficient, contributing members of society.
Jamaica is a land of extremes. Not far from wealthy enclaves, significant numbers of Jamaicans live in squalor, suffering from poor housing, limited food supply and inadequate access to clean water, quality health care or education. In these Jamaican households, more than half of the family income is spent to purchase food and beverages for daily survival. The Jamaican government is committed to educating its children, but there are not enough schools to provide opportunities for all.
Long-Term Impact
Christel House gives kids who need the most help the best chance. Breaking the cycle of poverty impacts the student, their family, and future generations. We also teach every child that they have the obligation to give back and make the world a better place. This multiplier effect will ultimately transform communities.
Project Gallery
|Problems=38273 |organization_id=38448 |Region=Jamaica |Resources=[''] |scraped_url= |scraped_from=GlobalGiving |feature_image=File:6_Large.jpg|Kids arrive at school. |images=[[ File:pict_large.jpg|Educate a poor Jamaican child,File:ph_49901_192206.jpg|Getting ready for school,File:ph_49901_192207.jpg|Parents and kids at orientation day,File:ph_49901_192208.jpg|Uniforms distributed,File:ph_49901_192209.jpg|Reading his first book,File:ph_49901_192210.jpg|A happy new student,File:ph_49901_192211.jpg|Students in class,File:Kumar_with_Archana_HIGHLIGHTS_Large.jpg|Kumar (left) won national honors for storytelling.,File:Dalton_Spence_Music_Highlights_Large.jpg|Dalton Spence inspires children through music.,File:3B6A8416_Large.jpg|Students will be seeing green fields in Jamaica.,File:Jamaica_Parent_Program_WEBSITE_Large.jpg|Students arrive at Christel House Jamaica. ]] |coordinate=, |geo_id=3489941