Crisis response: Support Vulnerable Families
{{Project |Description=Ukrainian children with disabilities face higher risks from war. The Russian declaration of war means the pressure on single mothers will increase. We purchase work equipment or pay educational course fees for moms of disabled children to ensure that they have the basic skills and supplies to work or run a business. Despite the duration of war, people will need the services these women train in, such as hairdressing. Their income eases their reliance on welfare and charity.
Ukrainian pensions for children with disabilities will be affected. The declaration of war means that living costs will rise and resources become scarce. Any supplies intended to reach vulnerable people in contact zones are likely to be so expensive they are unaffordable for families of children with disabilities or will never reach their destination. The only way for these families to survive is to earn money. Bright Kids aims to help women continue to work.
Long-Term Impact
We create opportunities for women. Many of the families we support live in contact zones, and they cannot flee the violence of war. And those who have fled the contact zones - left everything behind. By providing educational opportunities or helping with professional supplies, we can help women acquire skills and give a foundation so they can survive. Threats of aggression have already increased living costs in Ukraine, and the war will ensure that Ukraine's vulnerbale will pay the price.
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|Problems=43856 |organization_id=39364 |Region=Ukraine |Resources=['', '', ''] |scraped_url= |scraped_from=GlobalGiving |feature_image=File:ph_54442_219449.jpg| |images=[[ File:ph_54442_219444.jpg|,File:ph_54442_219446.jpg|,File:ph_54442_216409.jpg|,File:ph_54442_216410.jpg|,File:ph_54442_216411.jpg|,File:ph_54442_216412.jpg|,File:ph_54442_216413.jpg|,File:ph_54442_216414.jpg|,File:ph_54442_216415.jpg|,File:ph_54442_216416.jpg| ]] |coordinate=, |geo_id=690791