Core Competency: job skills for rural Thai youth

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{{Project |Description=This project funds a community-based computer learning center that combines online with hands-on job training for disadvantaged rural youth in North Thailand. High drop-out rates leave rural youth vulnerable to trafficking for jobs outside their rural agricultural communities. With core competencies in customer service, English, computers, and hospitality, students will meet the entry-level requirements of major employers as they recover from the COVID19 lockdown.


Thailand's rural areas suffer high rates of youth unemployment because of a lack of access to skills training. English language is required for careers in computer coding and hospitality. Before Covid-19, hospitality accounted for 17 percent of the Thai economy but could not fill 10,000 entry-level jobs a year. Coding employers had to teach college grads English. Thailand's recovery depends on the economy rebounding fast. This will require a much-improved recruitment and training pipeline.

Long-Term Impact

The program can train 100 students a year for entry-level jobs. The hospitality and coding industries have a new source of career candidates. Local communities benefit as the students are able to support their families. Building Futures Thailand is partnering with Warm Heart to expand our curriculum and capacity to implement the program. The program is replicable and can be expanded to other sub-districts and districts in Thailand and beyond.



Project Gallery

|Problems=38273 |organization_id=43248 |Region=Thailand |Resources=['', '', ''] |scraped_url= |scraped_from=GlobalGiving |feature_image=File:82221_Group_Mtg_Upskill_Program3_Large.jpg|Program orientation meeting |images=[[ File:pict_large.jpg|Core Competency: job skills for rural Thai youth,File:barrista_Large.jpg|Future Baristas learn English and coffee,File:computer_class_guest_Large.jpg|Computer and English Program,File:Finn_teaching_verbs_Large.jpg|Finn teaching verbs,File:Faa_Large.jpg|Marketing Design Barista,File:Nat_Large.jpg|Nat is ready to head out,File:Practicing_presentations_Large.JPG|Practicing Presentation Skills,File:Faa_graduates_from_Maejo2_Large.jpg|Faa's graduation (2 years wait),File:Da_presents_at_Kosona_Teachers_meeting_with_Finn_Large.jpg|Da presents at Kosona Teachers meeting ]] |coordinate=, |geo_id=1605651