Building a future for 100 youths in Sao Paulo

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{{Project |Description=Arca believes that education is the path to a better future. 14 years ago, Aldair and Ana Beatriz, 2 children from Favela Vila Prudente, Sao Paulo, joined Arca socio-educational center. During 8 years, they benefited from meals, activities as well as psychological support. Nowadays, they are pursuing higher education. In 2022, Arca wants to fund free, quality courses for 100 additional students, getting them back on the learning path, giving access to hybrid classes and bridging educational gap.


Covid-19 pandemic has struck our Vila Prudente favela's community very hard, endangering the education and the future of the children and the youths. Public schools have been closed for months, children are suffering from food scarcity, school dropout, domestic abuse. The rate of unemployment among the youths has rocketed. Arca has over 100 children and youths on its waiting list and it becomes critical to expand its capacities and offer free educational and vocational services in the favela.

Long-Term Impact

Since 2001, Arca contributes to building a better future for children and youths growing in Vila Prudente's favela. Educational and vocational programs led by Arca reinforce the community's cohesion and allow its children to unlock their potential through artistic, sportive and linguistic activities. Professional training and psychological support give young adults the tools to access the labour market with increased self-esteem and a sense of their own value.



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|Problems=38273 |organization_id=54312 |Region=Brazil |Resources=['', '', '', ''] |scraped_url= |scraped_from=GlobalGiving |feature_image=File:ph_51465_201073.jpg|Portraits of graduates 2020 |images=[[ File:pict_large.jpg|Building a future for 100 youths in Sao Paulo,File:ph_51465_201063.jpg|Children of Arca,File:ph_51465_201064.jpg|Arca do Saber classroom before Covid-19,File:ph_51465_201065.jpg|Aldair- former student testimony,File:ph_51465_201066.jpg|Ana Beatriz former student testimony,File:ph_51465_201067.jpg|One of Arca child in the favela Vila Prudente,File:ph_51465_201068.jpg|Arca entrance,File:ph_51465_201069.jpg|Children of Arca invited to a sport event,File:ph_51465_201070.jpg|Family of Arca students on graduation day,File:ph_51465_201071.jpg|Student of Arca "sales" vocational program,File:ph_51465_201072.jpg|Bakery vocational program ]] |coordinate=, |geo_id=3469034