JOY is a kindergartener playing the violin.



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OrganizationYamhill Enrichment Society
Region United States
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Susan Sokol Blosser

The Yamhill Enrichment Society (YES) wants funds to expand its JOY music program to cover K through 5th grades. Based on the internationally successful El Sistema program to harness the power of music for social change, JOY brings joyful learning, discipline, and achievement to an underserved population in rural Yamhill County, Oregon.


Over 86% of the Edwards School children are eligible for free or reduced lunch and don't have access to instrument instruction. Limited school funding provides minimal music instruction for elementary school students. Yet research shows learning to play an instrument highly enhances left and right brain development, while promoting a sense of accomplishment as well as the focus and discipline needed to achieve throughout life.

Long-Term Impact

The discipline and focus needed to learn an instrument impart skills which will help students succeed throughout their lives. The sense of achievement that comes from working hard is a lesson they will carry with them as well.



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[[Category:Arts and Culture in United States Projects]], [[Category:Difficulty in finding appropriate musical instruments for young children Projects]]

[[Category:Arts and Culture in United States Projects in United States]], [[Category:Difficulty in finding appropriate musical instruments for young children Projects in United States]]