Healing Hands Community Food Garden



OrganizationHealing Hands Community Project
Region South Africa
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Belinda Suleman

Healing Hands Community Project will be running a Community Food Garden through partial sponsorship from FTFA. We have found suitable landspace which will be leased to us by Nelson Mandela Bay Development Agency. We will be assisting occupants from our shelter for the vulnerable to equip them with the necessary skills to prepare the land, plant the crops and tend to them till harvest. The crops will be used in our shelter to supplement their wholesome and nutritious meals.


Hunger is a huge problem amongst the needs of the vulnerable.

Long-Term Impact

We are hoping that this skill will improve the quality of their lives in the long run as well as teaching them responsibility towards ensuring their dietery needs are met as well as equipping them with a means of becoming self sustainable.


  1. http://healinghandsproj.wixsite.com/website

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[[Category:Food Security Projects]], [[Category:Limited access to fresh, healthy produce in the community Projects]]

[[Category:Food Security Projects in South Africa]], [[Category:Limited access to fresh, healthy produce in the community Projects in South Africa]]