Big Move for Cheetah Experience!!

Revision as of 12:18, 18 May 2023 by EarthBot (talk | contribs) (Added geo ID)



{{Project |Description=Our dream has always been to secure bigger land for our animals and we are excited to say that we have found the purrfect place!! 272 Ha of African bush where we can build bigger enclosures for the animals, with lots of trees and scrub land! The first hurdle is as ever money! This is where you come in! While we have successfully raised money for the enclosures, now we need to raise money for the meatroom, electric fencing as well as much more! The dream is big but so are our, and your hearts!


We want to build bigger enclosures for the animals and be able to give them more space. Currently we are restricted by the boundaries of the property where we are based. Being able to secure new land will offer us unlimited possibilities!

Long-Term Impact

Our animals will have more space to grow and thrive, this will benefit them emotionally as well as giving them room to exercise and live a more natural life. Being able to release cheetahs into larger pre release camps will give them the opportunity to start to learn to be wild, and to live wild. We will track and observe these cheetahs but also be more hands off, letting them be the wild cheetah they were born to be before being released in a protected wild, as is our main goal!



Project Gallery

|Problems=44079 |organization_id=44660 |Region=South Africa |Resources=['', '', '', ''] |scraped_url= |scraped_from=GlobalGiving |feature_image=File:image0_Large.jpeg|Blaze in his new enclosure! |images=[[ File:pict_large.jpg|Big Move for Cheetah Experience!!,File:ph_44171_170017.jpg|View of new land,File:ph_44171_170018.jpg|Cheetah,File:ph_44171_183955.jpg|Drone - Lapa and Units,File:ph_44171_183956.jpg|Drone - Land overview,File:Genet_Large.jpeg|One of our rescue genets,File:Genet_camp_Large.jpeg|Newly built genet camp,File:Delta_Large.jpeg|Our new hyena pup only has 3 legs!,File:Village_Kitchen_Large.jpg|Volunteer Village Kitchen in progress,File:Firelines_Large.jpg|Freshly cut Firelines,File:Tiger_Sedation_Large.jpg|Fushan the tiger getting his teeth fixed ]] |coordinate=, |geo_id=953987