End illiteracy in Pakistan by 2025
{{Project |Description=The project will establish/ assist 2000 nonformal schools to enroll, retain and educate around 40,000 out-of-school children. In the pilot phase, we have successfully established/assisted 926 one-room schools across Pakistan.
Illiteracy is the root cause of all the imaginable ills in the world. About 258 million children and youth are out of schools globally. This includes 22.8 million children aged 5-16, are out-of-school in Pakistan. In the 5-9 age group, 5 million children are not enrolled in schools. Through its "End illiteracy in Pakistan by 2025" project, in the initial phase, Global Education Campaign will open 2000 new or strengthen the existing one-room schools to benefit about 40,000 students.
Long-Term Impact
The project will educate about 5 million out-of-school children in its nonformal schools in Pakistan and provide them an opportunity to become lifelong learners and build skills to create economic opportunities. This will help in promoting gender equality, democracy, and peace.
- http://globaleducationcampaign.org/
- http://www.dostiwelfare.org
- https://web.facebook.com/dostiedupk
- https://web.facebook.com/GlobalEducationCampaign
Project Gallery
|Problems=38273 |organization_id=61243 |Region=Pakistan |Resources=['http://globaleducationcampaign.org/', 'http://www.dostiwelfare.org', 'https://web.facebook.com/dostiedupk', 'https://web.facebook.com/GlobalEducationCampaign'] |scraped_url=https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/end-illiteracy-in-pakistan-by-2025/ |scraped_from=GlobalGiving |feature_image=File:Dosto_School_in_Landi_Kotal_Large.jpg|Dosti School in Landi Kotal |images=[[ File:pict_large.jpg|End illiteracy in Pakistan by 2025,File:ph_51971_201959.jpg|Peshawar- Class setting under the trees,File:ph_51971_201960.jpg|Barkhan - Class Setting under the trees,File:ph_51971_201961.jpg|Peshawar: class in make shift shanties,File:ph_51971_201962.jpg|Kids posing for picture after the class,File:ph_51971_201963.jpg|Getting ready for the class,File:ph_51971_201964.jpg|Kids are in love with the notebooks,File:ph_51971_201965.jpg|educate a girl educate a nation,File:ph_51971_201966.jpg|waiting for the teacher,File:ph_51971_201967.jpg|Look we have got the books!,File:Dosti_School_in_Punjab_Large.jpg|Dosti School in Punjab ]] |coordinate=, |geo_id=1168579