Rebuild 100s of Lives and Communities in Ukraine: Difference between revisions

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=Project Gallery=


Revision as of 19:47, 28 June 2023

Ph 57601 224902.jpg
OrganizationChildAid to Eastern Europe
Region Moldova, Republic of
Website Website
Facebook Facebook
Twitter @Twitter
ProjectLeader Martin Wilcox

Ukraine and its people have been torn apart by war. Life-saving emergency relief remains important but there is now a need to start to rebuild lives and communities. Well over 800 schools have been damaged (over 100 totally destroyed) as well as many hospitals. Young lives will have severe psychologically trauma. This project will support small scale programmes run by local organisations to rebuild and re-equip communities and rebuild lives.


Ukraine and its people have been torn apart by war. There is estimated to be US$4.5billion of damage to education establishments and US$1.7billion of health care (Oct 2022). Infrastructure rebuilding will require substantial investment and rebuilding will take years. The need is clear and present now and smaller scale funding will provide educational and healthcare support to ensure studies can continue and elementary health care can take place. Children require trauma therapy plans now.

Long-Term Impact

Children across Ukraine had already lost much education due to Covid. This war has had not just a traumatic impact on them but also further restricted their education. Returning children to formal education is essential for the future of Ukraine. Several thousand children will be provided with improved education, as well as hundreds receiving trauma support programmes. Long-term health, both physical and mental, will be improved.



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Project Gallery

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[[Category:Disaster Response in Ukraine Projects]], [[Category:Rebuilding lives and communities in Ukraine Projects]]

[[Category:Disaster Response in Ukraine Projects in Ukraine]], [[Category:Rebuilding lives and communities in Ukraine Projects in Ukraine]]