Page values for "Increase funding for underprivileged schools in Xingyang, China"
"Solution" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
Description | Wikitext | Provide additional funding to schools in low-income areas to help them improve their facilities, hire more teachers, and provide better resources for their students. This will help bridge the gap between underprivileged schools and those in more affluent areas. |
Problems | List of Integer, delimiter: , | 174,918 |
Region | Page | Xingyang, China |
country | Text | |
state | Text | |
city | Text | |
coordinate | Coordinates | |
feature_image | File | |
images | List of File, delimiter: , | |
videos | List of URL, delimiter: , | |
geo_id | Text | 1789647 |