Page values for "Empowering Girls Through Education and Health Programs"
"Solution" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
Description | Wikitext | To address the challenges facing girls in Zambia, this project aims to provide education and health programs that empower girls to stay in school and avoid HIV/AIDS. The project will provide scholarships, mentorship, and life skills training to girls, as well as health education and access to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services. By empowering girls to stay in school and stay healthy, this project aims to break the cycle of poverty and improve the lives of girls and their families. |
Problems | List of Integer, delimiter: , | 203,402 |
Region | Page | Zambia |
country | Text | |
state | Text | |
city | Text | |
coordinate | Coordinates | |
feature_image | File | |
images | List of File, delimiter: , | |
videos | List of URL, delimiter: , | |
geo_id | Text | 895949 |