Help Empower 131 Artisans in Kenya

From Objective Earth



OrganizationImani Collective
Region Kenya
Website Website
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ProjectLeader Lacy Vollmuth

Almost half of Kenya's population lives on less than $1.90 a day. Many families struggle to afford bare necessities such as food and shelter. At Imani Collective we believe that empowering people means providing access to market-demanded skills, which can support an above minimum income and standard of living. We believe that if people are given access to training and dignified work, they will take charge of their journey out of poverty. They are changemakers, not just a subject of help.


Other nonprofits struggle to create lasting economic growth in Kenyan communities because their models fail to address the well-being of the whole person. Employment in these regions will not last on only wages if a person's emotional health is not addressed. We set our artisans up for success by providing them with support that caters to their needs and guides them toward socio-economic stability. Our holistic support programs include child care, daily meals, in-house counseling, and much more.

Long-Term Impact

Our model does not seek to overwhelm local producers with the aid they can't compete with. We instead empower our artisans to bring themselves out of generational poverty in a sustainable manner. Our training programs give them the skills and money to start their own businesses and work through daily struggles with the help of our holistic support system. We aim to empower communities through individuals, building up Kenya's social and economic welfare from within.



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[[Category:Economic Growth in Kenya Projects]], [[Category:Lack of economic opportunities for artisans in Kenya Projects]]

[[Category:Economic Growth in Kenya Projects in Kenya]], [[Category:Lack of economic opportunities for artisans in Kenya Projects in Kenya]]